Celebrate MetFi DAO
2nd Anniversary

in mystical and magical Istanbul

where East meets West

All MetFi NFT Holders

can attend this exclusive event, but

places are limited so act fast!

MetFiers are invited to celebrate MetFi DAO
2nd Anniversary in magical Istanbul,

the mystical meeting point of East and West,
that’s a treasure trove of sights and experiences!

Marvel at the breathtaking views along the Bosphorus Strait.
Soak in the serene history and beauty of the Blue Mosque.
Indulge your taste buds in the city's diverse and delectable culinary scene.
Explore the iconic Grand Bazaar - a labyrinthine marketplace brimming with vibrant colors, exquisite crafts, and centuries of history.
Wander through historic districts, discover hidden gems, and immerse yourself in a city filled with life and diversity!
Profit from world-class workshops, leadership training, and networking that will ensure 2024 is your most successful year ever.

Get ready to explore the seamless blend of
ancient history and modern culture that
defines Istanbul.


Silver Pass
2 days
  • Day 1 - Registration with fun meet and greet activities.
  • Day 2 - Main Event Silver Seating.
Gold Pass
4 days
  • Day 1 - Registration with fun meet and greet activities.
  • Day 2 - Main Event Gold Seating.
  • Day 3 - Gala Party (Evening)
  • Day 4 - Millionaire Mentorship Training
Gold Ticket holders also receive special gifts plus limited and exclusive Ocean Summit II Merchandise.

Why you should attend Ocean Summit II 2024 in Istanbul?

metfi community
To celebrate your achievements as part of the MetFi Community.
metfi to the moon
To level up your leadership skills.
metfi business
To expand your knowledge to empower you for new heights of success!
MetFi DAO will celebrate its 2nd Anniversary in May next year
and YOU are cordially invited to the party of the year, maybe the decade!


Tickets can be purchased up to the morning of the 18th of May when the event begins - subject to availability. metfi whale
ocean summit icon

Humpback Extravaganza

All Humpback NFT attendees will be invited to the exclusive annual Ocean Summit Luxury Humpback Round Table Dinner.

METFI Top 10

USDT sales volume from your personal NFT referrals plus upgrading your own NFT will be calculated and the 10 MetFiers with the highest USDT sales volume until May 18th, win the following amounts of METFI tokens.

130,000 METFI
215,000 METFI
310,000 METFI
49,000 METFI
58,000 METFI
67,000 METFI
76,000 METFI
85,000 METFI
95,000 METFI
105,000 METFI

* Only NFT 5 Dolphins and above will be calculated.

Fine Print

Secure your Ocean Summit II ticket and receive your ticket refund within 14 days of qualifying by buying or upgrading your NFT.
Ticket refunds will be for the early-bird ticket value (if you qualify) which is a maximum of 300 USDT (Silver Qualified) or 700 USDT (Gold Qualified).
Become a 'NEW' Dolphin NFT (Silver), New Shark NFT (Gold), etc. means the 'NEW' wallet did not hold a MetFi NFT that existed (minted) before the promotion began on the 1st of December 2023 at 00:00:00 UTC.
Each qualification level has a limited number of places. Once a level limit is reached there will be no more available places for that level until another user on that level moves up to a higher level thereby freeing up a place.
Priority is given to the ‘next in line’ user which is based on the timestamp of when they qualified i.e., first qualified = first in line.
When you qualify for a full level you will be qualified for the next available lower qualification level.
Silver Qualified tickets can upgrade to Gold tickets by paying the price difference. Upon Silver Qualification you receive a Silver ticket refund. Gold ticket holders that Gold Qualify later receive the 400 USDT ticket refund difference and the Gold bonuses, subject to availability.
If you transfer or sell your Qualified NFT your Ocean Summit II Ticket and all Bonuses will be transferred with the NFT.
Travel Bonus and METFI tokens are bound to the highest NFT you hold at the end of the promotion – you cannot qualify for multiple tiers – only for the highest NFT tier achieved (Silver, Gold, or Platinum) subject to availability.
Travel Bonus and METFI tokens will be distributed to eligible qualifiers who physically attend Ocean Summit II within 72 hours of the event concluding.
METFI tokens awarded to eligible qualifiers will be sent to a smart contract and locked for 18 months – these tokens do not generate APY.
After 18 months the METFI tokens will be unlocked and released to eligible qualifiers in equal installments over 10 months e.g., win 10,000 METFI, receive 1,000 METFI per month for 10 months.
If a METFI token winner unstakes their NFT all remaining unclaimed METFI will be forfeited and recycled.
Wallets that receive a gifted NFT or Ticket will receive the ticket refund and bonuses upon qualifying, not the wallet that sent the gift.
Tickets can be purchased up to the morning of the 18th of May when the event begins subject to availability.
Promotion ends on the 29th of February 2024 at 23:59:59 UTC.

MetFi operates through blockchain, run by smart contracts… but the lifeblood of MetFi is the community!

A strong community must be built up and nurtured. The stronger the bonds of the community, the stronger MetFi will be. The more each member is equipped, enhanced, and developed, the greater the collective power of the DAO, the more we can grow, the more we can succeed, and the more we can win!

Don’t miss out on the chance of a lifetime to learn and grow into a better and stronger you, because your power will extend to others in a chain reaction of success!

See you in Istanbul, May 2024.